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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Inside Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed

• Aspires to honesty
• Independent news staff with beats
• Blogs for opinions

These are challenging times for higher education and they are looking for stories that tackle the tough questions in higher ed....not cutesy stories

• What is the mission of higher ed?
• How quickly should it change?
• Debate over whether college is 'worth it'
• Traditional sources of revenue are not keeping pace, what are colleges doing?
• Distance education -- people with most recognized brand names and most money are charging ahead
• Affirmative action and future of diversity on campus
• No child left behind coming to colleges -- how do institutions prove they are doing a good job?
• Stories need to be emblematic of something larger

Address these challenging topics. If you'd don't, others will do it for you

Scott Jaschik stated several times (in reference to UVA) that schools must respond thoughtfully to controversy. The public is forgiving if you own your bad story, if you are willing to look critically at yourself and put something in place to make things better.

Short pitches needed

Serena Golden runs listing of job promotions, does book coverage, (books related to higher ed), also looking for novels about life on campus, handles social media and FB, likes twitter

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