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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Crisis Communication

Cathy Andreen and Shane Dorrill from the University of Alabama

Cathy and Shane spent their time talking about the tornado that hit Tuscaloosa last year.

They went through a play by play timeline of what happened from the time the tornado warnings were issued through the following months.

Items of interest for planning:

• 1300 students lived in homes/apts. critically damaged
• Parents were placed in recreation center with counselors on hand
• National news was the first call received after the tornado hit
• Sending students home for the year was the most critically important decision they made
• Reporters covering the damage wanted a place to work (asked to work at the university because of Internet availability
• Alumni began sending money. Had to set up a disaster fund...2.6 million raised
• University received multiple requests to use residence halls because people knew the students were gone...but much of the students belongings were still in their rooms
• Good record keeping essential because you won't remember what happened when on what day -- have a plan for this
• Reporters looking for experts to talk after the tornado
• Needed to set up a memorial page for students who were killed in the disaster

Interesting to note: University of Alabama was planning go to an online directory only. During the tornado disaster, they realized there would have been no way to find faculty/staff if the directory were not printed. They decided they would continue printing.

-- be sure to set up alternate locations for work in the event a disaster happens and people can't get to the university workspace

-- practice your plan

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