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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Attracting Television to Campus

Melanie Jackson, NBC Today Show
Ellen Schweiger,  C-SPAN

Melanie talked about what makes a good story for television.

Showed a piece done by Jenna Bush Hager who she suggested everyone follow @JennaBushHager.
Jenna does education stories and stories that affect young people. Jenna likes profiles.

Melanie looks for trends, tragedies and triumphs.

One theme that came up several time from reporters during the conference was owning your bad stories and showing how good came from them.

"Stories start with someone who can tell that story," she said. Don't pitch someone who can't tell their story.

Tell about research from a quirky angle.

Best way to pitch: Keep it short. Send emails after show goes off the air...send links to photos and video. If they bite, make sure you help NBC get the story done by providing assistance with logistics, facilities, crews and be willing to do this at off times.

Tips from Melanie included:
• Know your faculty and students
• Pitch experts who can talk on camera, what does the expert look like, can they tell their story
• Know who is willing to talk when it's inconvenient, who is willing to go all out
• Familiarize yourself with on-air talent and producers
• Local affiliates are a good place to start...they will put the story on the news channel
• Don't send pitches too early (heard this from a number of reporters)

Ellen emphasized C-SPAN covers public affairs and not news....they are looking at public policy

• C-SPAN is interested in event coverage related to public policy, ie., a Supreme Court Justice coming to school..."Clarence Thomas is always visiting schools and we find out the day after, " she said. Yes indeed!

Symposium or lecture that national audience would be interested in? The cover it "gavel to gavel" and it will air 5 to 6 times during congressional recessions (month of August for example)

EMAIL: (2 weeks notice needed) explain who the people are...C-Span is looking for up and coming speakers "biggest expert on x teaches at my school"

C-SPAN covers dozens of commencements each year.

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