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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Social Media Bootcamp

Tom Evelyn, St Lawrence College
Fritz McDonald, Mount Mercy University

A lot of time in this session was spent with attendee discussion on use of video.

Tufts is offing applicants the opportunity to write an essay OR submit a video as part of their applications.

Some parents in audience say their teens are using YouTube to learn more about what it's like at a school because they cannot visit all their choices.

Strategy should drive choices with video

Students go to university website for facts. They don't trust social media to get the facts right. Go to social media for flavor. What kind of students go to this school. Consider having two social media YouTube channels labeled to distinguish between media office video and student video

Better to work one social media channel well than six poorly.

Focus on approach!

Yes, the word of the day is "focus."

Too many social media channels can confuse people.

Who owns social media? Everyone isn't equally responsible. Someone needs to have management of a social media site as a responsibility.

Involve "young faculty stars" in tweeting and blogging. They are good content resources. Offers opportunity for faculty to brand themselves

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